Charles Bedord

Charles grew up with TV, and can’t remember not having one in his household. As a child, he watched TV westerns, action movies, as well as professional wrestling and roller derby. As an adult, he spent 30 years working in the pharmaceutical business, and finally decided to retire. While looking for something new to grab his interest, Chuck discovered The Better Part and decided it was a good fit. Since joining The Better Part 10 years ago, Chuck has produced more than 30 shows on a wide range of topics. He especially enjoys talking to guests about topics related to science, technology, and unexplainable phenomena. When he’s not producing or hosting a show, Charles enjoys working in the TV control room. What a great way to spend a retirement! 

Charles’ Photo Gallery


Charles’ Favorite Shows

This is show is about the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, CA. It describes how and why SETI was founded, and how ...
People become shorter or taller at Grow and Shrink Mystery Spots, and other strange phenomena also occur. Several of these spots are located in the USA. Our ...
A discussion of the bacteria in your gut, and how they contribute to your physical and psychological well-being. This show discusses probiotic bacteria and p...