Phil Lenihan

Phil grew up and went to college in New York City. He was brought to California by a technology company as an engineer. His career includes engineering, advertising, technical publishing and marketing.

He found the Better Part/Cupertino TV Productions in 2007 when he answered a posting for a webmaster. He started to learn TV production by being surrounded by programs being created. He created his first program in 2008. He is now a producer, director, host, video editor and cameraman. He served as assistant executive producer for four terms and as webmaster for twelve years.

He likes all facets of producing but video editing shows for himself and for the other producers is most rewarding. Video editing is what he considers the real art of producing. He considers it all mental health. He has edited about 40 shows and produced more than 25 programs.

His favorites are musical shows from bagpipes to 30 tubas doing Christmas carols. When not producing TV shows he leads a ukulele group, Hummers and Strummers, at Saratoga Retirement Community, gives ukulele lessons and plays bagpipes with the San Jose Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums. His very favorite show, unsurprisingly, is Being Irish.

Phil’s Photo Gallery


Phil’s Favorite Shows

To get ready for St. Patrick's Day we will be interviewing a Celtic musician who plays the Irish Bagpipes;. They are very different from Scottish Highland pi...

Wildlife Associates is an animal sanctuary in the Santa Cruz Mountains. They care for animals, in loving and safe environment, who are no longer able to surv...

Annual Holiday show featuring Ukulele No Ka 'Oi, a class at the Cupertino Senior Center singing favorite holiday songs and carols. This is a holiday sing al...
Back at the turn of the century there was a holiday tradition called Holiday Tuba Fest, organized by San Jose Symphony tuba player Tony Clements. It was a ga...
"The Best Collection No One Has Seen". Come visit this wonderful collection of firefighting equipment and memorabilia. Learn about their efforts to find a ne...
We have gathered together three of our local poet laureates to read and discuss poetry. They represent the City of Cupertino, The Town of Los Gatos, and the...