Jerry Oliver

Jerry joined Cupertino TV Productions then known as The Better Part in 2010 after a chance meeting with Richard Lukon, a member of the group. Richard asked if he would be interested in TV Production. When Jerry asked for more details, Richard invited him to attend the recording session at the KMVT studio. Little did he know that Richard had more in mind than recruiting a new member. Richard was leaving the group and needed someone to take over his project to produce a program about the Harris Lass Farmhouse Museum in the city of Santa Clara. 

With no experience Jerry took on the project. Having little knowledge of how Cupertino TV Productions/The Better Part structured their programs Jerry was free to create whatever he wanted. Rather than produce an interview program he decided to produce it as a documentary. As he developed the program he kept having new ideas. What if he invited the 90 year old woman who had grown up on the farm? Could he visit the museum when they were hosting events like local school classes visiting the museum or a garden party? How about inserting a docudrama with amateur actors to show a day on the farm. 

After gathering the video Jerry began to edit. He had edited short videos but never anything this long. Finally after 2 months of taping and editing the program was ready. The staff at the museum liked it so much that they purchased 100 copies to present to city dignitaries and sell in their gift shop.

Cupertino TV Productions/The Better Part entered the program in the Western Access Video Excellence (WAVE) competition and won the award in their category. 

This was the beginning of his post retirement hobby. Jerry’s interest in video production and editing has become an outlet for creativity that he never realized he had. Since that beginning Jerry has produced and co-produced several award winning programs. He derives great satisfaction in editing programs for members of Cupertino TV Productions. 

Jerry is the Librarian for Cupertino TV Productions. In this capacity he is responsible for storing all program video Masters and distribution to TV stations for broadcast. In this capacity he converted the process from storing programs on DVD to cloud storage and distribution via the internet.

“In my life I have had many good times but there was nothing to compare to the reaction of the staff of the Harris Lass Farmhouse Museum when I first showed them the completed program. I had not expected it but several of the staff teared up. I felt that I had really accomplished something good. 

I find Cupertino TV productions to be an outlet for creativity that I never knew I possessed. As a member of Cupertino TV productions I have discovered a circle of friends with common interests and goals. I will cherish my association with this group for the rest of my life”

Jerry Oliver


Jerry’s Photo Gallery


Jerry’s Favorite Show