Grace Trafton

Having retired early after a career in Human Resources, Grace became a volunteer, conducting classes for AARP and Kaiser Hospital which she thoroughly enjoyed. However, after a period of time, the classes became very repetitive and she started searching for new volunteer opportunities.

When Grace first became aware of Cupertino TV Productions, she was intimidated at the thought of being a part of a TV production group since she had absolutely no related knowledge. However, she finally bit the bullet and decided to join. What a great decision! She started producing/hosting shows immediately and has never stopped.

What’s interesting about being a Producer is that it’s a constant learning experience. Each guest talks about a different subject which requires research with each new show. Since Grace has a natural curiosity about people and things, producing is a function that she finds very fulfilling. In addition to being a Producer, she also enjoys being a Camera Operator and, occasionally, a Director. Being a member of a TV production group is definitely one of the most interesting, fun, and rewarding volunteer work a retiree can have.

Grace’s Photo Gallery


Grace’s Favorite Shows