Amy Reimann

It was evidenced from Amy’s childhood years that her passion was in arts, music and dance.  She enjoyed performing on stage at school programs and community events.  These passions continued to flourish into her adult life.  She has been a part of an active line dance group performing all over the Bay Area.   Her interest in Ikebana had transformed her backyard into an oasis where she can unwind and relax.  Her favorite pastimes are watching cooking and travel shows, and attending/participating in local fashion events.

Amy’s professional life started at Ohio State University in the library of the Physics Department where she met her future husband.  After moving to California, she joined the City of Mountain View Library to manage the Circulation Department.  She was on the management team responsible for the introduction of an automated circulation system, and a few years later, the new library project.

In retirement, she has traveled all over the world.  But she always desires something more engaging and challenging.  When her ukulele group was invited to be on a Cupertino TV Productions show, she was intrigued by the team work she saw from camera people to the crew in the control room.  She decided to join this amazing group to gain first hand knowledge on what it takes to produce great shows.   Upon completing the training, Amy was ready to produce her own shows.  Unfortunately, the day before taping, the studio was shut down due to the pandemic.  To help small businesses, members decided to produce short videos by using their own iphones and laptops.  Thus “High Tech Eye Exam for Early Signs of Health Conditions” which Amy co-produced was born.

In 2021, Amy produced an award winning show "Journey Back in Time from Valley of Heart's Delight to the Heart of Silicon Valley" which was selected by Alliance for Community Media (ACM) as one of the two finalists for the Wave Awards in the Educational Access Category. The show artistically captured the transformation of the City of Sunnyvale from a farming community 150 years ago to an ethnically diverse community now known as the Heart of Silicon Valley. 

Amy has been an advocate for reducing food waste and an active participant in the Sunnyvale Garden Share group for 10 years now. This group meets once a month at Charles Street Garden where people bring extra harvest of homegrown fruits, vegetables, and flowers to share with the community. She decided to spread the words by producing this video “Sharing is Caring. Building our Community by Sharing” which was released in March of 2023.


Following the release of Sharing is Caring, Amy released yet another show in August 2023 on a subject she is involved in and passionate about. She occasionally creates Japanese flower arrangements for friends, loved ones and special occasions. Thus, her latest show “The Making of an Ikebana Master” is born.

Amy’s Photo Gallery


Amy’s Debut Show


High Tech Eye Exam for Early Signs of Health Conditions Interview with Dr. Henry Rodgin Presented by: Cupertino TV Production (CTVP)


Amy’s Shows


The Making of an Ikebana Master


The video showcases the amazing life and journey of Mrs. Fusako Seiga Hoyrup. great Ikebana master and a winner of several awards, including the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays, she is the founder and president of the Wafu school of Ikebana California chapter with nearly 200 members. The school celebrated their 50th anniversary with a flower show on March 4-5, 2023.


Sharing is Caring


Food waste is a major problem in the USA. It discards more food than any other country in the world. Nearly 80 billion pounds every year and this equates to 219 pounds of waste per person. The American family of four throws out $1,600 a year in produce alone. This video shows how the efforts of a few individuals have resulted in a big community around produce from home gardens.


Journey Back in Time


This show, Journey Back in Time, chronicles the arrival of the Murphys, a rich family from Ireland, to this undeveloped area in California, to seek freedom of religion and educational opportunity.