Cupertino TV Productions Awards List

Division: Community Producer (Non-Pro)

W.A.V.E 2024  First Place

Category: Culture and Lifestyle

#1240 Why Water Fitness

Producers: Melinda Reynard and Adek Hanukai

Editor: Adek Hanukai

W.A.V.E 2024  Finalist

Categories: Culture and Lifestyle and Arts, Entertainment, and Performance

#1247 The Making of an Ikebana Master

Producer: Amy Reimann

Editor: Adek Hanukai

W.A.V.E 2024  First Place

Categories: Community Event and Community Issues

#1244 Sharing is Caring

Producer: Amy Reimann

Editor: Adek Hanukai


Category: Community Impact

#1237 Cleaning Up The Guadalupe Watershed

Producer: Ranjana Mehra

Editor: Ranjana Mehra

W.A.V.E 2023  First Place

Category: Educational Access

#1237 Cleaning Up The Guadalupe Watershed

Producer: Ranjana Mehra

Editor: Ranjana Mehra

W.A.V.E 2023  Finalist

Category: Educational Access

Fast Fashion

Producer: Grace Trafton

Editor: Adek Hanukai

W.A.V.E 2023  Finalist

Category: Community Issues

#1238 Community Comes Together For a Park Project

Producer: Ranjana Mehra

Editor: Ranjana Mehra

W.A.V.E 2023  Finalist

Category: Entertainment

Christmas All The Way

Producer: Cupertino TV Productions

Editor: Adek Hanukai

W.A.V.E 2023  Finalist

Category: Public Service Announcement

Hidden Treasures

Producer: Val Jeffery

Editor: Val Jeffery

W.A.V.E 2022  First Place

Category: Educational Access

#1234 I Sing Through the Guitar

Producer: Adek Hanukai

Editor: Adek Hanukai


W.A.V.E 2022  Finalist

Category: Educational Access

#1235 Journey Back in Time from Valley of Heart’s Delight to the Heart of Silicon Valley

Producer: Amy Reimann

Editors: Jerry Oliver, Amy Reimann


W.A.V.E 2021  First Place

Category: Educational Access

#1233 Hello, I Need a Money Coach

Producer: Adek Hanukai

Editor: Adek Hanukai


W.A.V.E 2021  Finalist

Category: Educational Access

#1225 Valentina

Producer: Adek Hanukai

Editor: Adek Hanukai


W.A.V.E 2021  Finalist

Category: Educational Access

#1219 The Magic of Making Magic

Producer: Adek Hanukai

Editor: Adek Hanukai

W.A.V.E 2020  First Place

Category: Educational Access

#1200 Spartan Robotics – We are 971

Producers: Val Jeffery & Jerry Oliver

Editors: Jerry Oliver & Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2020  First Place

Category: Talk Show

#1215 Art in the Air

Producers: Adek Hanukai & Jerry Oliver

Editors: Jerry Oliver & Adek Hanukai


W.A.V.E 2020  Finalist

Category: Underserved Voices

#1195 Robots & Their Young Masters

Producers: Jerry Oliver & Val Jeffery

Editors: Jerry Oliver & Val Jeffery


Category: Government Activities

#1204 Volunteering - The Gift of Giving

Producers: Val Jeffery & Jerry Oliver

Editor: Val Jeffery



Category: Community Impact

#1173 Alzheimer's: Caring for Pat

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2018  First Place

Category: Informational Lifestyle

#1170 Two Guys and Their Garlic

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2018  Finalist

Category: Documentary

#1170 Two Guys and Their Garlic

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2018  Finalist

Category: Special Audience Programming

#1173 Alzheimer's: Caring for Pat

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2018  Finalist

Category: Public Service Announcement

Hidden Treasures 2016

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2018  Finalist

Category: Community Issues

#1156 Creating a Culture of Innovation

Producers: Jerry Oliver & Val Jeffery

Editors: Jerry Oliver & Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2018  Finalist

Category: Educational Access

#1156 Creating a Culture of Innovation

Producers: Jerry Oliver & Val Jeffery

Editors: Jerry Oliver & Val Jeffery


KMVT15 Lifetime Achievement Award 2016

Cupertino TV Productions, The Better Part


W.A.V.E 2015  Finalist

Category: Educational Access

#1125 Honeybees: Colonization & Culture

Producer/Editors: Jerry Oliver/Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2015  Finalist

Category: Community Issues

#1125 Honeybees Colonization & Culture

Producer/Editors: Jerry Oliver/Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2013  Finalist

#1055 Irish Bagpipes

Category: Talk Show - Entertainment

Producer/Editor: Phil Lenihan


W.A.V.E 2013  Finalist

#1065 Senior Housing Choices Ahead

Category: By/for Seniors

Producer/Editor: Phil Lenihan


W.A.V.E 2012  First Place

Category: By/For Seniors

#1025 From Lucille Ball to Audiology

Producers: Ernie Piini & Val Jeffery

Editor: Ernie Piini


CREST Award 2011 City of Cupertino to

Cupertino Senior TV Productions

'The Better Part'


HOMETOWN 2011  Honorable Mention

Category: Informational Talk Show

#979 Habitat for Humanity Silicon Valley

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2010  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

#975  Alzheimer's: Talk to Me

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2010  Finalist

Category: Special Audience Programming

#975  Alzheimer's: Talk to Me

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


The CreaTiVe Awards 2010  Finalist

Category: Citizen Journalist

#954 Peregrine Falcon - Saved!

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2010  Finalist

Category: Informational - Activities

#954 Peregrine Falcon - Saved!

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2010  Finalist

Category: Talk Show/Entertainment

#968 Christmas with Serendipity

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2008  First Place

Category: By/for Seniors

#881 Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Producers:  Ernie Piini & Val Jeffery

Editor: Ernie Piini


W.A.V.E 2007  First Place

Category: Talk Show/Entertainment

#863 Necklace - The Birth of a Musical

Producers: Val Jeffery & Dale Porter

Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2006  First Place

Category: By/for Seniors

#827 Giving & Giving Back

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery

W.A.V.E 2006  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

#805 Is it Alzheimer's?

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2006  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

#806  Diagnosis Alzheimer's

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2005  First Place

Category: By/for Seniors

#796 Pool Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2005  Finalist

Category: Informational

#789 The Cupertino History Museum

Producer/Editor: Dennis Palsgaard


W.A.V.E 2005  Finalist

Category: Documentary Profile

#767 James Keller Playwright

Producer: Diane Benedetti

Editor: John Heather


W.A.V.E 2005  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

#767 James Keller Playwright

Producer: Diane Benedetti

Editor: John Heather


W.A.V.E 2005  Finalist

Category: Talk Show - Issues

#810 One Man's Journey Through War & Life

Producer: Lynette Wells

Editor: John Heather


CREST Award 2005 - Diane Benedetti

Cupertino Recognizes Extra Steps Taken


W.A.V.E 2004  First Place

Category: Informational

#739 The Encounter at NASA Ames

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2004  First Place

Category: By/for Seniors

#758 Celebrating 20 Years (of TBP)

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2004  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

#746 Diabetes - More or Less

Producer: Andrea Dorey

Editor: John Heather


W.A.V.E 2003  First Place

Category: By/for Seniors

#728 55 Alive Update

Producer/Editor: Diane Benedetti


COPA 2002 - Val Jeffery

Cupertino Outstanding Producer Award


W.A.V.E 2002  First Place

Category: By/for Seniors

#695 Earthquake in El Salvador

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


W.A.V.E 2002  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

#701 Wings of History

Producer: Marilyn Priel

Editor: Ernie Piini


W.A.V.E 2002  Finalist

Category: Documentary Profile

#696 Wanna Make a Movie?

Producer/Editor: Val Jeffery


COPA 2001 - Ernie Piini

Cupertino Outstanding Producer Award


W.A.V.E 2001  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

Electric Cars for the 21st Century

Producers: Ernie Piini & Marilyn Priel


EarthVision 2001  Finalist

Category: Alternative Energy/Vehicles

Electric Cars for the 21st Century

Producers: Ernie Piini & Marilyn Priel


Earth Vision 2000  Hon Mention

Agricultural Research Project



W.A.V.E 2000  Finalist

Category: By for Seniors

911 Emergency Services

Producer: Dorothy Stevens


W.A.V.E 1999  Finalist

The Caribbean Eclipse


W.A.V.E 1999  Finalist

Visit to Candyland


BACE Ripp King Memorial Award

1998 - Dorothy Stevens


W.A.V.E 1998  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

B-29 Pilot


W.A.V.E 1997  Finalist

Category: By/for Seniors

Program 500 (of The Better Part)

Producer: Marilyn Priel


COPA 1997 - Dorothy Stevens

Cupertino Outstanding Producer Award


3rd Annual Access 1997  Honorable Mention

Category: Health Related

Joint Replacement


W.A.V.E 1996  Finalist

Habitat for Humanity


W.A.V.E 1995  Finalist

Vocal Flight


Southern Sunshine Festival 1995 1st Place

Category: Instructional

Medical Series in Four Parts


R.S.V.P 1994 - Dorothy Stevens

Outstanding Service Award


J.C. Penney Golden Rule Award 1993

Exceptional Volunteer Service

Cupertino Senior TV Productions


Tino Showcase 1990  First Place

Best Intro to Program


Tino Showcase 1990  First Place

Earthquake Preparation for Handicapped


Access Showcase 1989 SuperCrew Award


Cupertino Parks & Recreation 1988

Volunteer Award for Outstanding Service


Hometown Video 1987  Finalist

Community Participation


Valley Cable 1987  Second Place

Community Event Recognition


Tino Awards 1986  Second Place

In Depth Interview


City of Cupertino 1984

Cupertino Senior TV Productions

Work of Special Distinction Award


Tino Showcase 1984  First Place

Sunset Magazine Program